Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunny Sunday in CS!

It's a beautiful day here in Colorado Springs. The weather here has a tendency to change it's mind a lot, but lately it's been rather nice.
My first week back at work went well. I feel like a got a lot done as far as preparing for our project trip to Kenya and Nigeria, which is now less than 3 weeks away! On Wednesday I went to get my immunizations....over $550 of them. Pretty expensive, but better than getting a disease. I got five shots, three in my left arm and two in my right, and my arms were pretty sore for awhile. I also have a prescription for malaria pills that I need to get filled before I leave.
Thanks again to all of you for your support. This wouldn't be happening without you, and I'm really grateful for all the financial and prayer support that I've been receiving. Please pray that the preparations for our trip will continue to go smoothly, that we'll get our visas soon, and that all the work we need to finish beforehand will get done on time. If you could also pray for the other projects, that would be great. There's a lot of teams preparing to leave in the next few weeks, and some of them don't have all of their team members lined up yet, so pray that God will lead the right people to eMi so that those ministries can be served effectively.

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