I can't believe it's December already! It sort of sneaked up on me. It doesn't seem like a year ago that I was anticipating my internship with EMI. I guess a lot has happened since then, but at the same time, it seems like it was just recently that I was planning my move to Colorado. Somebody told me once that time goes twice as fast after you turn 25, which means this coming year will seem even shorter than this one did. Crazy. Anyway, lots has happened this year. I hope you've all enjoyed reading about it!
So, since it's December now, I've been getting psyched for Christmas to come soon. Many of neighbors have put up ridiculous amounts of Christmas lights, and I've done my part by busting out every Christmas CD I own. (Or at least every one I could find that's not packed away in a box in the Teagues' garage!) Two weeks from today I'll be on my way to Michigan to spend the Holidays with my family! I can't wait! Plus I get to see lots of old friends and go to Pete and Amy's wedding, so I'm certain it will be a fun trip.
Speaking of weddings, over the Thanksgiving weekend, my sister Kristin and my former roomie Elizabeth both got engaged! Those two plus my friend Krista who got engaged a couple months ago make three weddings this summer that I will be in. My wedding preparation skills should be honed to perfection by next September!
Speaking of Thanksgiving, (I'm doing a good job with transitions in this post, huh?) I had an excellent long weekend hanging out with friends -- Elizabeth came to visit for a couple days, her engagement actually occured when her boyfriend picked her up at the airport on her return trip to Idaho. I hosted Thanksgiving dinner at my place for some of my amazing friends. We made so much food it was ridiculous! Apparently it takes more than 6 people to eat a 17lb turkey with stuffing, 10lbs of potatoes, cornbread, rolls, asparagus, corn, peas, fruit salad, olives, 2 pies, icecream, and a cake. Not that I'm complaining, I love Thanksgiving leftovers! I spent the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving helping my friend Krista with wedding planning stuff. We went wedding dress shopping and reception decoration shopping (at Ikea -- I love that store!). This past Sunday, I shared my pictures of my EMI trip to Africa with some families from my Community Group. The kids were especially interested, asking lots of great questions about the culture and the people, and it was really fun to sort of relive that experience. Did I mention that I can't believe it's been a year since I first found out I was going to get to be a part of that?
ps- I used 10 exclamation points in this post. Miss Herrema would be horrified.
pss- Miss Herrema was my junior high English teacher for those who don't know. She believed that everyone should only be allowed to use 3 exclamation points in their whole life. She claimed she still had one left.